Are you innovative? Are you interested in solving problems in transport and mobility? Do you want to design and manage modern traffic systems and transportation services as required and expected by a society committed to sustainable development?
Our Bachelor study programme Transportation and traffic engineering provides fundamental and specific applicable knowledge for creative and innovative problem solving in planning of organization and management of traffic and mobility in modern cities, in the country, in public services and companies as well as the knowledge in traffic design, dimensioning of traffic infrastructure and predicting future traffic flows. The study also includes drawing up plans of traffic regulation and traffic elaborations, total traffic strategies, plans of sustainable mobility, analyses in traffic safety and preparation and organization of transportation services in passenger and goods transport. It is also indispensable to know how to carry out technical inspection of vehicles and infrastructure, draw up investment programmes in the field of transport, traffic and mobility, prepare expert documents for the elaboration of strategic transport and infrastructure projects, and prepare the transport segment for the elaboration of environmental impact assessment.
University study programme Transportation and traffic engineering of the 1st degree includes lectures by regular and invited professors from industry, lots of practical work in seminar papers and projects, and numerous excursions.
3 years
6 semesters
type of study
DIPLOMIRANI INŽENIR prometa (UN) – dipl. inž. prom. (UN)
DIPLOMIRANA INŽENIRKA prometa (UN) – dipl. inž. prom. (UN)
Scheme of the subject matter
Study programme enrolment conditions and selection criteria at limited enrolment
The enrolment into university degree study programme of Traffic and Transportation Engineering is possible if:
- the student has passed the matura examination,
- the student has passed the vocational matura in any secondary school programme and the examination
in matura subject mathematics or foreign language, if he passed mathematics as the vocational matura examination,
- the student has completed any secondary school programme before 1.6.1995.
If only a limited number of students are admitted, the candidates from the a) and c) are selected according to:
- general performance in matura examination or secondary school leaving examination 60 % points,
- general performance in the 3rd and 4th year of the secondary school 40 % points.
The candidates from b) are selected according to:
- general performance in vocational matura examination 40 % points,
- general performance in the 3rd and 4th year of the secondary school 40 % points,
- degree in matura subject 20 % points.
Main study programme objectives and general competences of graduates, gained at study programme
Main study programme objectives:
- To provide education for proficient graduates who will be able to solve engineering problems by the innovative intermodal connection of different disciplines.
- To provide education of graduates in transportation engineering whose completed studies will allow them to work around Europe and worldwide.
- To enable students to transfer between related undergraduate programmes.
- To harmonize the study programme with Bologna Declaration which indirectly provides international comparison and transfer.
- To provide better student transfer with the focus on expanded individual work under the leadership of a mentor (tutor) in senior years.
- Tehniški predmeti vsaj 60 % vseh ECTS pri tri letnem študiju in 50 % pri daljšem študiju.
- Our wish is the accreditation of the programme to acquire the title Euro-eng which demands harmonization of the programme with minimum requirements of the FEANI Association: a. Mathematics and natural science at least 20 % of all ECTS. b. Advanced mathematics (linear algebra, analytic geometry, differential and integral equation, numerical analysis, operational research, …) at least 24 ECTS. c. Engineering courses at least 60 % of all ECTS in three-year study and 50 % in longer study. d. Non-engineering subjects (communicational skills, economics, management, team work, law, safety environment, languages, …) around 10 % of all ECTS.
In terms of general competences, students of University study programme Transportation Engineering will gain:
- Ability to use their knowledge in:
– providing mobility of the inhabitants,
– planning of transportation systems and traffic sub-systems,
– planning, designing, construction and maintenance of roads,
– management of transportation and traffic flows,
– planning and organizing transport.
- Ability to connect principles of sustainable development, basics of economics, legal regime, problems of space and settlement development, challenges in environment protection with issues on providing mobility of inhabitants and economy competition:
– Creativity and innovativeness as a result of a wide spectrum of the study contents.
– Ability to analyse, synthesize and predict solutions and consequences.
– Proficiency in the fundamental research methods, procedures and processes, development of critical and self-critical judgement.
– Ability to use their knowledge in practice.
– Communication skills, the ability to communicate in international environment.
– Ethic reflexion and commitment to professional ethics. – Cooperativity and team work ability in international environment.
Criteria for completing the study
The study is completed when all obligations, prescribed by the study programmes are fulfilled, and 180 ECTS are collected.
Students can choose between the following elective courses:
- sport
- smart mobility
- cableway devices
- transport infrastructure management
- hydrotechnics for transportation ENG.
- maintenance and assessment of motor vehicles.
Criteria for transfer between study programmes
According to Criteria for transferring between study programmes, candidates can enroll into:
- the second or third year of the 1st degree university study programme Transportation Engineering, if they terminate the education in their first study programme and they proceed study within the same programme of the same degree or enrol into a new study programme of the same degree. They can transfer from the field of transportation engineering, civil engineering, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, informatics, and from other engineering, natural science and mathematical fields.
- The enrolment of the higher vocational graduates into the 1st degree university study programme is not possible.
The transfer is possible under the following conditions:
- if candidates fulfil conditions for the enrolment into the first year of the 1st degree university study programme Transportation engineering,
- if they come from the study programme which provides comparable competences or learning outcomes,
- if at least half of the obligations according to the European transfer credit system (hereinafter ECTS) can be recognized from the first study programme that are related to the mandatory courses of the second study programme.
- Decision about transferring from one study programme into another is made by the relevant committee of the senate from the faculty where the candidate wants to continue the studies.
According to the Regulations on knowledge and skill recognition in study programmes of the University of Maribor, the candidates should provide the faculty with:
- application for knowledge and skill recognition at the University of Maribor,
- accredited syllabi of the completed courses,
- confirmation about the payment of the procedure.
When transferring from one study programme into another, completed study obligations can be recognized according to the contents, scope and complexity of knowledge in the new programme, also, new obligations are determined which a candidate should complete in order to finish the studies in a new study programme.
Regulations and syllabi provide for each study unit forms of evaluation and assessment. Instantaneous methods of knowledge evaluation and assessment are encouraged, enabling students to control their own study development directly.
Study advancement options
Graduates from the university degree study programme (first degree) are admitted to master’s studies (second degree), according to the requirements established by the faculty offering post-graduate studies.
Program brochure
The field of transport engineering allows for continuous upgrading of knowledge even after graduation, as innovation in this field is a constant and enables graduates to continuously develop their competences, which is the only way to remain competitive in the wider international environment to provide optimal solutions for us and our successors.
Andraž Mlaker